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The important thing is…to speak clearly!

The important thing is…to speak clearly! Today we would like to share with you how to master your communication skills and how to express yourself that people listen to you. Has it ever happened to you that you needed to repeat things over and over and over again without being understood? Have you ever felt […]

Day in Mountain

• KARASU GENCLIK, SANAT VE SPOR KKULUBU DERNEGI, Turkey, Sakarya City • L’ORMA Societa sportiva Delettantistica a R.L. – L’ORMA, Italy, Milano • NGO SPORT VIV, – Croatia, Samobor citys and • Mountaineering association TUHOBIC – MAT (Planinarsko društvo „Tuhobic“), Croatia, Rijeka that also acts as the coordinator of the project. This project was designed […]

Tips for EU project design: Youth Dialogue Projects

Today we want to talk to you about a type of European project that we have never covered in our blog: Youth Dialogue Projects. Those already familiar with European projects’ world will know that the Erasmus + program it is divided into 3 key actions, called KA (Key Action) 1, KA2 and KA3. Youth Dialogue […]

Grocery shopping….in class!

  GOING GROCERY SHOPPING IN CLASS! This week we would like to give some activity ideas to teachers and educators they can easily implement in a class room. Teaching is not only about theoretical knowledge, practical activities are just as important. This is a SITUATIONAL GAME that is great to verify the acquisition of skills […]

A look into the future: European call for exchanges and mobility in SPORT

“Exchanges and mobility in sport”. The primary objective of this type of projects is to give professionals in the world of sport the opportunity to spend a period abroad carrying out training, traineeship, or exchange of good practices within other organizations working in the sport area. The idea behind these projects is in fact to […]

Take center stage!

  Take center stage! All eyes on you! We often talk about being a role model but we tend to forget that we set examples even if we do not intend to. Let’s be honest, we sometimes forget that our behaviour influences people and especially children around us. We ask them to behave in a […]

Coronavirus impact on Erasmus Plus Projects

Coronavirus, the game changer COVID19 is a phrase dreaded everywhere in the World, a phenomena that has reshaped every aspect of life, the way we live, our relations with loved ones, friends and colleagues, and turned our work upside down. Coronavirus has brought the sharpest decline in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) since 1995. According to […]

Enhancing Health and Physical Activity Rates Through Pentathlon (EHPARP)

Enhancing Health and Physical Activity Rates through Pentathlon (EHPARP) Kick-off Meeting, 22 February, 2020, Milan, Italy On 22 February, 2020, six organizations from different member states of the European Union gathered together in the vibrant city of Milan, Italy to launch a new project called “Enhancing Health and Physical Activity Rates through Pentathlon” (EHPARP) to […]

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