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Fit For Kids in Amarante: A continued journey


Fit For Kids: A continued journey

29/09/19 – 02/10/19, Portugal

Last week, L’Orma’s Italian delegation travelled again to Amarante, Portugal, to continue the development of the Fit For Kids project in Portugal.

This program, developed almost 10 years ago in Denmark, aims at combatting childhood obesity and increasing kids and their families’ overall wellbeing.

Three years ago, it was successfully launched by L’Orma in both Turin and Milan with the help of To – Centro Servizi Volontariato, and we are now thrilled to see the project expand to encompass Portugal as well.

The three teams (Denmark, Italy and Portugal), composed by each organisation’s presidents and Fit For Kids volunteers, came together for a two-day training program for the Portuguese volunteers. The objective of the meetings was not only to organise formal trainings, but also to have an open and welcome climate in which volunteers could exchange best practices. Indeed, all three organisations are at different stages of implementation of the Fit For Kids project and encounter various cultural contexts, so having volunteers share their experiences with each other was a valuable opportunity for everyone.

We started off the training course by explaining the nutritional aspect of the program to the new Portuguese volunteer. In this part of Fit For Kids, volunteers will eventually give nutritional advice to the children and their families in a way that motivates and involve the children. This aims at stimulating them to follow a healthier lifestyle.

The second day was spent covering the educational principles of the program, and that was followed by a team building activity that involved all volunteers. In the afternoon, we made our way to the gym, to show the second Fit For Kids pillar: the physical activities program.

All of this took place in the beautiful city of Amarante, while enjoying traditional Portuguese food.

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