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TC Training of trainers, Cyprus

Training of Trainers
January of 2019, Larnaca, Cyprus

Empowering Youth workers for Supporting Diversity

Hosting/applicant: NECI Cyprus
Funded by: Erasmus+ Youth, NA Cyprus

During and throughout this project 8 partners, with 26 participants from Cyprus, Greece, Estonia, Turkey, Italy, Romania, Bulgaria, Spain aim to assist, inspire and train youth workers to become more competent in their work, develop themselves as youth trainers and support their peers and youths on respecting diversity.

The TC week was implemented from 18-28/1/2019 in Larnaca Cyprus.

The team of trainers was providing tools and practices through NFL methods (sharing experiences, readings and practice, self-reflection, experiential learning, learning by doing, simulations, role plays, debriefing, debate sessions, intercultural evenings).

They also made an experiential visit to a refugee camp, in order to assist youth workers to get aware about the power of the development of basic key competences for identifying the needs of their group of youths and of their NGOs and then to be able to design inclusive practices and activities for suggesting and providing solutions for issues that may cause problems in their communities.

In general by developing youth trainers we will enhance youth workers to facilitate more effectively in inclusive and diverse settings, especially nowadays that societies are becoming multiethnic due to migration movement.

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