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New KA3 call in the field of youth


Call for proposals: Civil Society Cooperation in the Field of Youth

Last Thursday, L’Orma was in Brussels to hear more about a new call for proposals that has recently been issued under the Erasmus+ KA3 projects.

This new call is aimed atmk_padding_divider size a consortium of partner wishing to implement an EU-wide project. In order to be eligible, the consortium needs to contain at least 12 different organisations from 12 EU-countries.

The grant attributable for this type of project is 35.000 € per year, and it is meant to support the cost of your organisation. This means that personnel costs and the costs of statutory meetings can be covered by the grant.

The call is aimed at the following activities:

  • Contribute to the realisation of the European Youth Goals as attached to the EU Youth Strategy.
  • Adhere to the guiding principles set for the EU Youth Strategy and in this regard promote the following:
  • Foster the development of competences and skills through non-formal and informal learning, youth organisations and youth work; promote digital literacy, intercultural learning, critical thinking, the respect of diversity, and the values of solidarity, equal opportunities and human rights among young people in Europe.
  • Contribute to relevant EU policy initiatives beyond youth policy affecting young people in areas such as citizenship, education, culture, sport, employment or social inclusion.


If you’re interested and want more information or you wish to apply for this grand, please visit the following website:

Submit your proposals today!

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