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New call for KA2 strategic partnerships projects : an extraordinary solution to face new challenges

In the times of rising challenges which stem from the COVID-19 pandemic, the Erasmus+ Programme announced the two new calls to support creative skills and digital education readiness. 

Both calls were launched on August, 25th as a result of the revision of the Erasmus+ 2020 Annual Work Programme announced in early August.

Each of them provides a budget of €100 million that will help fight the educational challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.


What are their aims? 

The call for digital education readiness

As most schools had to move their classes online, both teachers and students were challenged to adapt to the new approach. This difficult situation demanded new solutions and abilities to pass the knowledge and keep the students’ attention so that the efficiency of the classes could be maintained. This particular call will support different projects in school education, higher education, vocational education as well as training.   

Its aim is to enhance online, distance and blended learning which is new to many yet necessary in that period. This call will especially support teachers and trainers who will be given the opportunity to discover a variety of digital learning options.

The call for ‘partnerships for creativity’

The call will aim to develop competences and skills throughout projects in the fields of school education, youth and also adult education. It will aim to develop especially the skills that boost quality and innovation, encourage creativity and recognition of youth work. 

The unique initiative of both calls will help connect education, youth organizations and training with those in the creative and cultural sector. 

Interested organizations can apply by the 29 October 2020 through the website the Erasmus+ National Agency in their country.

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