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How to prepare for the Erasmus Plus 2020 call


Preparing for the Erasmus Plus 2020 call: All you need to know

Since the overview of Erasmus+ deadlines came out a few weeks ago, we thought it appropriate to give you some overall information about how to apply for Erasmus+ projects.

The main step for any type of project you’re planning on writing is to read the programme guide about it (you can access it here). If you want to read the programme guide in your own language, you can follow the previous link and click on your language. Important to remember is that, if there are any discrepancies between the information in the guide in your national language and the English programme guide, the information contained in the English version prevails.

Once you have read the programme guide and want to start designing your project proposal, make sure to register for an Organization ID (former PIC); without it, you can’t submit any project proposals. You can register your organisation through the Funding & Tenders Portal, available here. After reading the programme guide and registering your organization, you’re all set to start writing!

In order to start writing, you need a sound project idea, and you need to find partners to the project. In case you need any help with that second part, we wrote an article about how to find great partners here. Additionally, you can use the EPALE platform or the School Education Gateway Platform to search for great partners. You should also consult the webform for your project, to know what kind of questions you need to answer when writing your project proposal. If the webform is not available yet, you can find model application forms here. An important tool you will need while writing is the Distance Calculator, which is used to calculate travel distances between countries for mobilities. You can find the distance calculator here.

Last but not least, allow yourself plenty of time to finish your application. In the past, the webform has been hard to access in the days leading up to the deadlines, resulting in organizations not being able to complete their application. In the picture below, you can see the deadlines for 2020, so make sure to keep them in mind when writing. Don’t wait until the last minute to send the mandates or other documents that need to be uploaded, to make sure you can finish your application in time.

With this brief overview, we hope you feel ready to start writing! If you want any additional tips and tricks on how to write a KA105 or a project in the field of Adult Education, don’t hesitate to check out or articles on the subject here  and here.



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