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From Separation to Participation: addressing the causes of Brexit training course

From Separation to Participation: addressing the causes of Brexit training course

Between 10-18 September, in partnership with ASHA Centre, four Italian participants had the opportunity to attend the first of three training courses aiming to seek to address the underlying causes of the Brexit vote in the UK.

The participants enjoyed a week in an environment of outstanding natural beauty in the Forest of Dean at ASHA Centre.

The aim of this course was to better understand why the United Kingdom (UK) has voted to leave the European Union (EU) by 52% to 48% and how it would affect the future of the country and the future of the EU.

The participants came from all over Europe, from the UK, Bulgaria, Greece, Lithuania, Romania, Slovania, Turkey and Italy. This variety of people from diverse backgrounds led to very thoughtful conversations and helped understand the different point of views.

With lots of group discussion and individual work, using non-formal educational methods and art (theatre), and with interaction with local people we tried to “solve” the question what led to this outcome of the referendum held more than three years ago.

Besides other activities, interviewing (mostly) local people about their thoughts and feelings of the tiresome topic of Brexit was one of the most interesting part. Brexit is all over the news, everybody talks about it and everyone has an opinion of the causes and its possible outcome.  It is unprecedented, this is the very first time a member state decided not to be a member of the EU, and at the moment no one knows what the solution will be.

During the interviews, regardless of political views, everyone said they would like this uncertain situation to end.

We do not know how things will turn out for the UK and the EU, whether a deal or no-deal will be, but we will have an answer in a couple of months.

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#LOrma #PerchèNoiCiCrediamo 

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