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ActiveU at Ormaday


ACTIVE.U at L’Ormaday- November 23, Milano

On Saturday, November 23, L’Orma had its annual L’Ormaday, which took place in Lido Sports centre in Milan. The event was addressed to teachers, coaches, sport leaders, children of all ages, and L’Ormas staff. 

 The event consisted of various nonformal education activities which conducted by L’Ormas coaches. During the event, there was alsp a presentation describing L’Ormas national and international activitiesL’Orma’s presidentPaolo Menescardi, took this opportunity to share information about the Erasmus Plus program, which has become one of the fastest growing parts of the organisation and which has contributed immensely to L’Orma’s activities by enabling numerous learning opportunities.

One of the subjects that were presented during the event was ACTIVE. U, a small collaborative partnership to which L’Orma is a partner. It is 24month long project that focuses on sport activities and social inclusion of young people between the ages of 16 to 25. The project promotes the idea of the power of sport and how it can improve people’s quality of life. The presentation given by Paolo Menescardi outlined the main objectives of the project, which include making young people aware of their own potential as well as helping them gain more self-confidence.

 The project aims for young people to discover their talents, skills, and competences, while being parts of their communities and participating in local activities. The ultimate goal of the project is to build a bridge between professional orientation and active job search, to allow young people to access job opportunities or return to study and training. In this way, it will fill in some gaps left by formal educational institutions.

During the presentation, there was an opportunity to introduce a prototype of the project, which describes its main features in the inclusion of youth who are not in education, employment or training (NEETs)L’Orma’s president demonstrated how the project and L’Orma are creating social inclusion strategies which are based on sport and seek to empower youth with new skills and promote values of nonformal education.  

Find out more about our past experiences and projects and discover how to collaborate with L’Orma! CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE


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