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Training of Trainers Course In Barcelona

Training Course “We’d Better Sport” Project (June 2019, Barcelona)

Management and  Networking in the Field of Sport

The training course was provided by DOREA Educational Institute WTF and funded by Erasmus+.

During the first week of June, 2019, five of our colleagues participated in the Erasmus+ funded project. The main goal of the training course was to further develop the management skills of youth workers, the ability to identify bullying cases and how to handle the situations.

Since L’Orma is committed to offer the best possible sportive/expressive educational experience  based on non-formal methods to children, the strategies about how to create a positive atmosphere in class taught during the training course was relevant.

Understanding the reasons, emotions and motivations behind children’s actions is the key to become a good youth worker, so these elements were thoroughly discussed and examined.

The participants shared their own experience related to dealing with tricky or difficult situation in a school environment, with role plays they recreated possible scenarios, learned about better understanding and identifying emotions, had debate sessions and solved problems in groups.

The aim was to develop the competences (knowledge, skills and attitudes) of our youth workers in order to always provide the highest quality, best experience and most beneficial activities to children and their families.

Find out more about our past experiences and projects and discover how we can collaborate!

#LOrma #PerchèNoiCiCrediamo 


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