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Progetto Track Map Clean: Un Passo Avanti verso un Futuro Verde

Nell’era moderna, l’urgenza di proteggere il nostro ambiente è diventata più evidente che mai. Con il crescente riconoscimento dei problemi legati alla gestione dei rifiuti e alla conservazione delle risorse naturali, l’innovazione e l’educazione sono diventate le chiavi per affrontare queste sfide. Il progetto Track Map  Clean si propone di fare proprio questo, offrendo strumenti […]

Erasmus+ Training Course: Laboratory of Games

  Laboratory of Games November 1-8, 2019 – Larnaca, Cyprus This week, three of L’Orma’s participants were in Larnaca, Cyprus for a Training Course on Laboratory of Games, organized by Neci EU. The aim of this training course was to provide Youthworkers from around the EU with the necessary tools to use a variety of […]

NetWalking event

The European Commission and the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) organise the Erasmus+ Info Day on the 30th of January 2023 in Brussels, Belgium.   CONTINUA A LEGGERE SU ORMAINTERNATIONAL

Inter Winter Cup

25-28 gennaio 2023 | Czarna Gora – Polonia CONTINUA A LEGGERE SU ORMAINTERNATIONAL

EUSPORT Lab 2022

The second edition of the innovative international networking event gathering professionals working in the Sport Sector was implemented in Milan in the period 09-10 of December 2022. CONTINUA A LEGGERE SU ORMAINTERNATIONAL

Becoming Digitally Conscious – (BDC)

We are happy and proud to introduce the European project Becoming Digitally Conscious(BDC). BDC aims to promote healthy digital habits and support the prevention of excessive andpathological internet use by young people, aged 18 to 25, in European and Balkan countries. CONTINUA A LEGGERE SU ORMAINTERNATIONAL

#BOOST testing mobility in Sarajevo

The project “BOOST-Boosting Outstanding Omnicompetent Successful Talents” performed a testing mobility in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, from 31/08-03/09. CONTINUA A LEGGERE SU ORMAINTERNATIONAL

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