Training Course “Low Rope: From Thought to Knot”
Our Case History
Goodmorning everyone, Today I am here to tell you about the extraordinary deeds of a few Orma Coaches who traveled to Western Poland in search of the precious ERCA, the European certificate for Low Rope instructors. It all began two years ago, when good luck brought together L’ Orma and a handful of European associations dedicated to outdoor activities, during an Erasmus + project. From this meeting a collaboration was born that promoted the creation of a project funded by the European Union on outdoor education (Outdoor Academy) and the very recent Erasmus + training course for ERCA instructors.

L’ Orma has therefore fielded three bold young players grappling with knots, semi-static ropes, carabiners, steel cables, slings, breaking loads, certification numbers etch … The path on cables and ropes as well as the metaphorical route on the manual was full of surprises and falls haven’t been missed. The various elements of the tracks proved to be rather difficult and the collaboration within the group became necessary as it was to find a study partner with whom to repeat technical names, numbers, double stitched knots but also to plan new games and new constructions with ropes.

Despite the technical cut, the course did not only provide its participants the necessary skills to pass the final exam but also and above all, has focused on the methodology of using these activities in a didactic-training perspective, absolutely in line with the values L’Orma that lead us to focus on how to transform the experience into training and growth opportunities. I take this chance to once again thank Pracownia Nauki i Przygody, our Polish partners, for the incredible opportunity with the wish to continue to turn ideas into facts, dreams into projects. And who knows if one day we will not find ourselves on a sailing boat with a group of youngsters to circumnavigate our beloved Europe.
Find out more about our past experiences and projects and discover how we can collaborate!