ExSport Us E+ KA2 Project – Kick Off Meeting
June 20th 2019, Milan
On the 20th of June, 2019, the first transnational meeting (kick-off meeting) of the 24-month long new Erasmus KA2 project called „ExSport us” was held in Milan together with the represantitives of the three partner organizations: Champions Factory from Bulgaria, Animam Viventem from Portugal and L’Orma from Italy.

The project addresses the phenomenon of bullying among young people and aims to collect non-formal edcation and sport methodologies in order to produce educational formats and methodological resourses for operators working in the field of youth and sport.
Fighting against bullying is a very important topic since it has been reported that around 30 % of students suffer from some forms (verbal, physical, online) of it. Bullying can cause serious problems: feeling lonely, depressed, anxious, having trouble with school work and studying, having problems with sleep, lack of energy and in extreme cases having thoughts of self-harm or suicide.

Our goal is to help operators, teachers, youth workers how to identify, handle and solve a case of bullying because the well-being of children is our priority.
Find out more about our past experiences and projects and discover how to collaborate with L’Orma!