Guide how to write a great project proposal that stands out
Our Tips and Advice
It may seem that implementing a project requires a lot of work – which is true, by the way – but the real challenge start at writing an outstanding project proposal that gets approved. In this guide you’ll discover some ideas and tips what needs to be done and what mistakes to avoid to get the support and funding you need for your project!
1. Having a business mindset
Always keep in mind that everything is about demand and supply which means that you have to consider your project proposal as a product that has to be sold. Or to be exact, it is rather a tool that helps you sell the project itself, but the proposal is the first thing that needs to be promising enough to catch the attention of the target group, in the case of Erasmus+ projects the target group is the evaluators.
2. Keep it short and simply
Create a 1-page long plan of you project proposal that includes the most important points such as:
- Expected subsidy resources
- Expected partnerships
- Own activities
- Partner activities
- Expected results
- Measurable indicators
Try to stick to this plan as writing the proposal requires your full attention and focus, and you can be easily distracted with too many information you would like to add to the proposal.
This plan can also be sent to potential partners you would like to join the project. Do not worry, experienced partners will understand your idea without writing them a 100-page long explanation.
3. Keywords
As we discussed before, the project evaluators are your main target, so you must put yourself into their shoes and think about what they are looking for in a project. Having the right keywords are essential because a project proposal is assigned to the evaluator based on the keyword you used.
- Expected subsidy resources
- Expected partnerships
- Own activities
- Partner activities
- Expected results
- Measurable indicators

4. Time
Unfortunately no one has an infinitive amount of time and no matter how far the deadline for submission seems to be, you have to start working on your project proposal as soon as possible. There are a lot of things to elaborate, you have to:
- come up with a great idea
- find proper partners (see our previous post about how to find partners here:
- plan the objectives
- plan the activities
- take care of administrative data
- identify the result and impacts
- and plan a feasible budget.
Give yourself about 3 months to write your proposal and do not forget having someone who can review it. We are all human and even if you write the proposal with care and maximum attention, small mistakes may remain but a proof reader reduces the chances of having inaccuracy.
5. Communicate with the partners!
It sounds so obvious, but miscommunication leads to misunderstanding and jeopardizes the success of your project and could poison a good working relationship among the partners. Always engage all the partners, discuss and write down the responsibilities and agree on the budget. If you do this, the implementation will be much easier and who knows, you might want to work together again in the future.
6. Do not overcomplicate it!
Of course you are not writing a bestselling novel, but your proposal must be understandable even for those who are not experts on the topic. If it is too hard to read you have higher changes that your proposal will be rejected. Would you support something if you do not understand it? So, just keep your work clear and simply.
- come up with a great idea
- find proper partners (see our previous post about how to find partners here:
- plan the objectives
- plan the activities
- take care of administrative data
- identify the result and impacts
- and plan a feasible budget.
7. Do not exaggerate!
Keep in mind that your project will be checked and scrutinized by the European Commission or by the EIT at the end of the project period. If you would like to avoid sanctions, do not promise anything in the proposal that cannot be kept. There are serious consequences if you exaggerate!
8. Believe in the power of teamwork!
Writing, implementing and evaluating a project is a lot of work, you do not and should not do it on your own. Make sure that you have people who are responsible for the administrative part, coordination of the project, management of the project and who has expertise.
So, after reading this article, it is time for you to start thinking about your next project proposal! Good luck!
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