#ACTIVE.U – Sport and social inclusion

L’Orma is implementing together with our partner organizations – CNAPEF and APOGESD from Portugal, Wyzsza Szkola Biznesu Nauk O Zdrowiu from Poland and Furim Institutt from Norway – the Erasmus+ sport collaborative partnership project called #ACTIVE.U – Sport and social inclusion, and this September has been very fruitful and busy.

We held the II. Transnational meeting in Milan on 20th, September, 2019 (You can read more about the meeting here: https://ormasite.it/active-u-ii-meeting/) and organized two workshop events within the framework of the project. We are creating new social inclusion strategies based on sport because we aim to empower young people with new skills, inform them about their opportunities and promote the values of informal education. As the final beneficiaries of this project are young people, we had two workshops for those who work closely with the young. Their opinions and feedbacks are very important and valuable for this project.

The first workshop was held on 7th September in Bergamo, during a teacher training where 23 teachers participated. This group knows very well the challenges teenagers face nowadays and their thoughts and point of views are essential for us.
The second workshop was held on 17th September in Milan for a group of carefully selected participants who are all active in the field of sport. We discussed the power of sport and how it can transform and improve the quality of life.

The next transnational meeting will be held in Oslo in May 2020 for the definition of a prototype of activities based on the feedbacks we received.
Find out more about our past experiences and projects and discover how we can collaborate!