II. Transnational meeting of project #ACTIVE.U – Sport and social inclusion

On September 20th, 2019 L’Orma had the honor to host the II. Transnational meeting of the project #ACTIVE.U – Sport and social inclusion in Milan, Italy.

The main goal of the project is contributing to the eradication of the social exclusion of young people who are in the transition phase after compulsory schooling, young NEETs, and young people at risk of social exclusion.

#ACTIVE.U is an Erasmus+ sport collaborative partnership project implemented with our project partners CNAPEF and APOGESD from Portugal, Wyzsza Szkola Biznesu Nauk O Zdrowiu from Poland and Furim Institutt from Norway.

Great effort and lots of work are being carried out to create new social inclusion strategies based on sport. Every partner organization has selected “good projects” and best practices from their country and based on the results a prototype of good practices in inclusion through sport has been created that summarizes the findings. During the meeting the outcome of the local workshops, results achieved and the next steps were discussed.

The III. Transnational meeting will be held in Oslo, Norway for further improving the prototype of activities for future implementation.

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