We’d Better Sport
KA1- Learning Mobility of Individuals
KA104 Adult Education Staff Mobility

The „We’d Better Sport” project provided 20 active members of our organization with the opportunity to acquire different competences and knowledge focused on the use of sport as a tool of social inclusion for disadvantaged categories; management of sport educational activities and event; as well as best practices, non-formal educational methodologies from experienced organizations throughout Europe within the framework of four training courses held in Cyprus, Bulgaria, Spain and the United Kingdom.

Our partner organizations were Sporten Klub Chempians Faktori from Bulgaria, Dorea Educational Institute WTF from Cyprus and Champions Factory Ltd from the United Kingdom who – with their high quality training courses – contributed to enhancing the competences of L’Orma staff. Our youth workers actively educate children with the use of non-formal educational tools and methodologies while holding sport activities, theatre workshops, school laboratories and summer camps. It is essential for L’Orma to have a competent team that knows how to deal with every situation.
The following training courses were organized:
- “Team work as a means for enhancing productivity”
held between 19-24 February , 2018 in Cyprus
- „Sport NFE Education for Social Inclusion In Bulgaria”
held between 22-27 February, 2018 in Bulgaria
- „Sport learning programmes for disadvantaged targets”
held between 19 – 24 July 2018 in the United Kingdom
- „Management and networking in the field of sport”
held between 2-7 June, 2019 in Spain
held between 19-24 February , 2018 in Cyprus
held between 22-27 February, 2018 in Bulgaria
held between 19 – 24 July 2018 in the United Kingdom
held between 2-7 June, 2019 in Spain

We collected the best activity ideas discussed during the training courses and turned them into a handbook which contains simple warm-up games, ice-breakers, team activities that focus on cooperation, inclusion and teambuilding. Most of the games do not require specific materials or preparation exactly because the purpose of this publication is to provide youth workers with activity ideas that can be used at anytime.
If you would like find out more about the We’d better Sport project or to take a look at the handbook, please visit https://wedbettersport.ormasite.it/