Milan, Hotel Expo Fiera Milano – 20th, 21th, 22th July 2020
SDA is an international conference and a training module aimed at increasing skills, competences and knowledge of sport Managers, sport Coaches and other staff of sport organizations linked to professional and grassroots sport.
Dear sport manager/trainer,
we know how difficult it is for you in everyday life to find time, resources and energy to devote to your favourite passion: SPORT.
We know vey well your difficulties if you are someone who would like to make a greater contribution to your club, to your athletes, to your kids but for many reasons, you cannot.
We have experienced by ourselves all your concerns if you are a young man who wants to WORK in the field of sport, but does not believe he has the right skills, abilities or knowledge.
Maybe you don’t know but the European Union offers possibilities in this sense and today we have the chance to offer you a truly extraordinary, a unique opportunity.
The SDA event represents the last stage of an European Union pilot-sport project SPORT DIPLOMACY ACADEMY aimed at improving the competences, skills and knowledge of the participants as well as an effective contribution to the capacity building of sport organizations with clear focus on building a network of well-trained sport diplomats.
The conference will see the participation of authoritative experts, influential voices, Italian and international leaders in plenary sessions and round tables to share skills and points of view and inspire, with a look to the future, the vision of a new inclusive, holistic and global SPORT movement.
The Sport Diplomacy Academy Project is aimed at all those who:
The event represents a networking opportunity to meet leaders of non-profit organizations, sport clubs/associations and federations.
Taking place from 20th to 22th July 2020 in Milan (Italy), the SDA international meeting will convene in collaboration with key national/international organisations with the aim to highlight the importance of SPORT as a tool for education, and inform the global debate on the development of the sport organizations alla round the Europe.
The event will be attended by 80 participants, including civil society representatives, academics, government representatives, members from the sport movement, and experts on youth development and non-formal education.
Through a combination of plenary sessions, interactive breakout sessions, space for new collaborations, and online participation, the SDA meeting’s programme will highlight how organisations can keep pace with the latest trends in Sport Diplomacy, Non-formal education and Youth Development. The events will also enhance coordination and promote collaboration to sport representatives to take action for sustainable development in their society, in their field, through their organizations.
The project is co-funded by the European Commission, and 80 participants are already selected.
In order to satisfy the numerous requests we are receiving for the meeting in Italy, the organizers have decided to extend participation also to representatives of the Italian sports movement (Sport associations, Sport clubs, sport federations, sport universitities).
All of them will be asked for an administrative fee of 150,00 Euros.
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Good Lobby
Working with media
Big events: good governance and legacy
Fundraising and CSR
Social Media and Social Media Marketing
Social Entrepreneurship
Sport diplomacy for development
Working with specific target groups
Success Story
Joanna Dochevska
Chairwoman at Bulgarian Sports Development Association
Ismail Sehic
Director at BRAVO
Paolo Menescardi
Director at L’ORMA
Giuseppe Grandinetti
Global Head of Digital at Vibram
Alexy Valet
Consultant in Training Processes and Project Design (Sport, education, inclusion & innovation)
Luigi De Micco
Social Entrepreneur
Oscar Bellandi
Nautical Entrepreneur
Pietro Palvarini
Urban Sociologist and Social Entrepreneur
Bulgarian Sports Development Association
BRAVO – Bosnian Representative Association for Valuable Opportunities
Rikecki SPortski Savez